The name of the organization is the Southeast Texas Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (SETXVOAD). SETXVOAD is the local counterpart to the Texas Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (TXVOAD). TXVOAD is the state counterpart to the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD). The Jurisdiction is Jefferson, Orange, Hardin, Jasper and Newton Counties.
SETXVOAD is a humanitarian association of independent voluntary organizations who may be active in all phases of disaster. Its mission is to foster efficient, streamlined service delivery to people affected by disaster, while eliminating unnecessary duplication of effort, through cooperation in the four phases of disaster: preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation.
SETXVOAD is not a competing or exclusionary organization. SETXVOAD is intended to be a network for organizations active in disaster. Each SETXVOAD member organization will maintain its own identity and independence while closely collaborating with other SETXVOAD member organizations, inter-faiths, and local, state or federal authorities.
SETXVOAD accomplishes its mission by adhering to the following principles:
Cooperation: Foster cooperation among SETXVOAD member organizations at all levels and in all phases of disaster.
Coordination: Coordinate the development of SETXVOAD policies and procedures, and, the implementation of services among SETXVOAD member organizations. SETXVOAD may also provide links to national and international disaster relief agencies and the TXVOAD.
Communication: Exchange and disseminate information among SETXVOAD member organizations and the public, as well as local, state and federal agencies, in conjunction with the individual SETXVOAD members.
Collaboration: We dedicate ourselves to work together to achieve specific goals and to undertake specific projects at disaster sites. We form partnerships during the disaster response.
The meetings of the SETXVOAD shall be guided by the current version of Roberts Rules of Order except as otherwise provided for in these bylaws. SETXVOAD business meetings are open to the public.
Business Meetings
- Business meetings will be held at least four (4) times a year on a schedule set by the SETXVOAD
- Written notice, including a meeting agenda, shall be sent to all members at least fourteen days prior to any business meeting.
- Other business may be considered by a simple majority vote of members present.
- The Authorized Representative or designated alternate has voice for and votes for his/her organization at business meetings. Other representatives from the same organization have voice, when recognized by, and, at the discretion of the Chair, but may not vote. The intent is that there is a reasonable exchange of ideas in a timely fashion without monopoly by multiple representatives of a single agency.
Special Meetings
- Any member of the SETXVOAD Executive Committee may call a special meeting when necessary. A special meeting may be called at the request of ten percent of the SETXVOAD Partners or Associates.
- Written notice shall be sent to all members electronically, and/or by first class mail postmarked at least five days prior or, verbal notice given at least two days prior to any special meeting and shall specify the purpose of such a meeting
- No business other than that for which the special meeting was called may be considered except by unanimous consent of the entire voting membership of the SETXVOAD. Such consent may be obtained either before or after such special meeting, but until such consent is obtained action on matters not identified in the purpose of the special meeting shall not be valid.
Emergency Meetings
- Emergency meetings to meet the needs of disaster events (or drills) can be called at any time by the SETXVOAD Executive Committee with minimal notice
- Teleconferencing may be used for emergency meetings to facilitate the work of the SETXVOAD.
- Emergency meetings are open to members and those agencies with specific response & recovery responsibilities that concern SETXVOAD members.
Committee Meetings
- Committee meetings may be attended only by committee members
- Technical advisors may attend committee meetings at the request of the chairperson
Election of officers will be conducted at the SETXVOAD annual meeting. To maintain continuity within the organization, the two vice presidents will rotate one office upward each year. (i.e. the 1st VP will become President, the 2nd VP will become 1st VP and a new 2nd VP will be elected. If circumstances warrant, a motion could be made that the President and 2 VPs remain in their respective offices for a second year, but neither the President nor the VPs may remain in the same office for more than two successive years. The Secretary/Treasurer will be elected annually and may serve an unlimited number of terms. Final decision will be made at the annual meeting by voting members of the SETXVOAD.
The representative of any member organization of SETXVOAD may nominate officers. Nominations must be seconded to be accepted. No single agency will be allowed to hold more than one officer position. When an officer’s position is vacated due to the inability of that person to continue to serve, the executive committee will recommend to membership, a new authorized representative to serve the unexpired term, depending on vote from membership. The SETXVOAD Executive Committee shall consist of the following officers:
Function: presides at meetings, has an ex-officio seat on SETXVOAD committees, convenes meetings and provides leadership. Nominates committee members to be voted on by the SETXVOAD Executive Committee. The President, with the consent of the voting membership, may engage in external contracts. Serves as chairman of the Executive and Advisory Committees. The President or his/her representative occupies chair in the EOC for the SETXVOAD.
Function: Acts on behalf of the President in the absence of or at the request of the President. The First Vice-President or his representative acts as 2nd occupant of chair in the EOC for the SETXVOAD. Serves as Chairman of Membership & Development Committee and as such will seek to encourage appropriate disaster response organizations to join and to actively participate in the activities of SETXVOAD.
Function: Acts on behalf of President in the absence or at the request of the President and First Vice-President. Serves as Chairman of Education & Special Events Committee and as such will develop and implement various plans to allow member organizations opportunities for learning to work together effectively and engage in the community in appropriate SETXVOAD events.
Function: Maintains organizational records, keeps minutes of meetings, and provides administrative support. Prepares budget and keeps financial records of the organization.
The following Standing Committees will be appointed by the SETXVOAD Executive Committee. Committees shall be representative of the SETXVOAD member organizations.
Amendments to these bylaws may be made by a two-thirds majority vote. Amendments must be moved and seconded at a properly noticed business or special meeting to be voted on at the following business meeting or via email or conference call as specified above.