Download the Code of Conduct form (PDF)
We, the members of Southeast Texas VOAD, affirm that:
1. The Humanitarian Imperative is the First Priority of Southeast Texas VOAD
We recognize the right and privilege to offer humanitarian assistance, and the same for those who receive such, as a fundamental humanitarian principle which should be enjoyed by all. We will stand by our obligation to provide humanitarian assistance, in organized fashion, wherever it is needed. We recognize and uphold the prime motivation of Southeast Texas VOAD response to disaster as to alleviate human suffering among those least able to withstand the stress caused by such disaster. We recognize that when we give humanitarian aid, it is not a partisan, religious, or political act, and should not be viewed or construed as such.
2. The Highest Degree of Professionalism, Ethics, and Respect is Paramount in Southeast Texas VOAD
We will act in accordance with standards of professional integrity. We will make every effort to avoid conflicts of interest. We will consider the interests of all clients and animals served and do hereby dedicate ourselves to their best interests and to helping them, recognizing that in some cases their interests may not align to our personal beliefs. We will not intentionally defame, malign, libel, or attempt to demean the character and/or reputation of any person or organization. We will not engage in nor condone harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate behavior in any form. We will endeavor to maintain an environment of respect and cooperation within this organization, its partners, and all other individual and organization associations.
3. The Aid Given and Aid Priorities Established are Without Discrimination and On a Needs Basis
We uphold and will act in giving aid regardless of the race, creed, or nationality of the recipients, and without adverse distinction of any kind. We recognize that aid priorities are calculated on the basis of need alone, and wherever possible, the provision of which is based upon a thorough assessment of the needs of the disaster victims and the local capacities already in place to meet those needs, and will reflect considerations of proportionality. We recognize that provision of aid will reflect the degree of suffering it seeks to alleviate.
4. The Accountability of Both Those Assisted and Those Providing Resources Will Be Transparent
We recognize that Southeast Texas VOAD is often in the position of an institutional link in the partnership between those who wish to assist and those who need assistance during disasters. We therefore hold ourselves accountable to both constituencies as a member of Southeast Texas VOAD, and further uphold that all dealings with donors and beneficiaries shall reflect an attitude of openness and transparency. We recognize the need to report on all assistance activities, both from a financial perspective as well as an effectiveness and efficiency perspective. We recognize and support the obligation of Southeast Texas VOAD to ensure appropriate monitoring and impact assessments of aid distributions and of disaster assistance.
5. The Sensitivity, Confidentiality, and Integrity of Information and Activity within Southeast Texas VOAD is Critical
We, while in the service of and upon separation from Southeast Texas VOAD, will legally and ethically maintain confidentiality of information received from clients, co-workers, individuals, and all related organizations. We will honor the trust of the public and our colleagues. We will refer inquiries for public and private information to the Southeast Texas VOAD President. We will attend Southeast Texas VOAD meetings regularly and keep informed of Southeast Texas VOAD activities; always treating information received from such active participation with discretion and sensitivity, with the intended purposes in mind, and will promptly disclose any issues to this effect to the Southeast Texas VOAD President as soon as possible.